Thursday, October 14, 2010

#48 continued...

so we did a Jessners chemical peel in class today...
heres the results.
can you see my lines of demarcation?!
it looks like i had a star on my cheek.
but i didnt.
please dont mind the acne...
im working on it.
p.s. this picture was taken 5 hours AFTER the peel...
just for the info...
Jessners is like the strongest peel an esthetician can do.
and its self neutralizing so pretty much you just sit there cringing until the burning stops.
or in erikas case your face burns all night.
and she even got fanned for like 20 minutes hahahha
funny how peoples skins so different.
14% lactic acid for hydration
14% salicylic for antibacterial
14% resorcinol...which i cant remember what that is for right off.
something great im sure.

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