Wednesday, November 24, 2010

#65 phish food.

i know as soon as my sister reads this shes gonna say 'hey! she stole that from me.'
she pretty much thinks ive stolen anything shes ever liked and made it something i like.
most people would see that as flattery.
not her.
but this isnt about her.
this is about ben.
and jerry.

theyre my favorite.
if you refer back to favorite thing #1 i recalled a little story about a boyfriend bringing my a pint of ben and jerrys phish food ice cream because he didnt know my favorite kind of flower.
well you can bet that he brought ben and jerrys!

my favorite!
im pretty sure i could eat a whole pint in one sitting by myself.
thats only like 6000 calories right?
the only thing i dont LOVE about phish food ice cream is that frozen fudge fish.
so what what i like to do is suck all the ice cream off them and then spit them back into the lid.
well one time a group of us were sitting around eating ice cream and i kept spitting my fish in the lid and another girl kept picking them up and eating them!!!!
we didnt realize it for a while and once we finally did we just busted up laughing...
and you can bet we didnt tell her what was happening until after it was all gone!

1 comment:

  1. "but this isnt about her.
    this is about ben.
    and jerry."

    Gosh Katie. Not everything is about you.
    This is my fave ice cream too.
    Why are we the same person Lindsey?
