he's a stud.
brian and i go way back.
like 2 whole years back.
i owe our entire meeting/friendship/relationship to the days of brad.
they were always having "medicinal" conversations or "intellectual" conversations.
i didnt really understand what i was missing out on at that time.
they would have these deep, hilarious talks and discus really irrelevant matters.
brians so nice he even let brad borrow the shirt right off his back.
one time he even took us to meet the japanese emperor.
it was a thrilling experience.
and he either sang a song about him, or a poem or something.
i wish i oculd remember.
weve done lots of fun things together.
we went to the cassia county fair,
the car ride alone was the best EVER!
with whole "what" pancakes and all :]
we went to steadmans.
we went to pinetop.
we went hot tubbing.
we climbed on the apartement roof where i got stuck.
weve spent more than one occasion just hanging out at tobs.
hes just such a nice boy!
and hilarious without even trying!
i always get so excited to see him!!
he saved my life once.
we were caving in smiths crack and got to a part that i didnt remember at all.
brian had already crossed this HUGE canyon thing.
you had to cross over this and lift your leg way high to get across.
i couldnt get my leg up high enough.
i was so afraid i was going to be stuck.
brian, from across the trench reached out his hand and grabbed onto mine and hoisted me not only across the huge trench but pretty much just pulled me up him until i could latch on to something.
and he did it all once handed.
he is amazing.
the lindsey and brian show.
halloween 09?
hot springs.
breakfast at pinetop.